If this were a blog about pet peeves, which it isn't, today's post would be the John Lennon song, "Imagine."
It's not a really dreadful song or anything (it's not a good song, but it's not dreadful), but I am so sick of every progressive group using it. And every corporation trying to sell you something using it. And every busker using it.
I am sorry to report that Amnesty International has a whole campaign based on this song. Now, I loves me some Amnesty, but why do they have to test me like this??
There's a kind of self-congratulatory lump-in-the-throatiness that typically attends a rendition of the song--a modern day version of affective piety: "oh, I'm so terribly committed to social change. Why, look how weepy I'm getting at this song." The unmistakably adolescent self-righteousness of the song itself solicits this response.
And as for buskers, I have heard no fewer than THREE singing this in the past few weeks. I'd like to imagine there's no buskers. Imagine all the people, walking downtown in peace.
You may say I'm a dreamer.
If they really want to make hippies nostalgic and (more) self-satisfied, may I recommend "After the Gold Rush"? It's a much better song.
If this were a blog about pet peeves, which it isn't, this is what I'd write:
Hey, all you I'm-so-sad-that-I-sold-my-ideals-for-an-SUV (but they're such great family cars) but-at-least-I-still-dig-the-music Imaginers:
Getting all choked up over some gloopy song doesn't make you a good person. Doing good things makes you a good person. The song's just another fucking commodity. Get over it.
It's not a really dreadful song or anything (it's not a good song, but it's not dreadful), but I am so sick of every progressive group using it. And every corporation trying to sell you something using it. And every busker using it.
I am sorry to report that Amnesty International has a whole campaign based on this song. Now, I loves me some Amnesty, but why do they have to test me like this??
There's a kind of self-congratulatory lump-in-the-throatiness that typically attends a rendition of the song--a modern day version of affective piety: "oh, I'm so terribly committed to social change. Why, look how weepy I'm getting at this song." The unmistakably adolescent self-righteousness of the song itself solicits this response.
And as for buskers, I have heard no fewer than THREE singing this in the past few weeks. I'd like to imagine there's no buskers. Imagine all the people, walking downtown in peace.
You may say I'm a dreamer.
If they really want to make hippies nostalgic and (more) self-satisfied, may I recommend "After the Gold Rush"? It's a much better song.
If this were a blog about pet peeves, which it isn't, this is what I'd write:
Hey, all you I'm-so-sad-that-I-sold-my-ideals-for-an-SUV (but they're such great family cars) but-at-least-I-still-dig-the-music Imaginers:
Getting all choked up over some gloopy song doesn't make you a good person. Doing good things makes you a good person. The song's just another fucking commodity. Get over it.
dude--hating "Imagine" is like hating puppies. What is wrong with you?
Anonymous, at 7:51 PM
Hi Cutie,
Found you through Miss Snark -- liked your support for good old Dwight and thought I'd check you out. It's fun to think about the best hippie song...how about "We Should Be Together?" I wouldn't mind hearing that right now, in fact -- although probably not more than once. Which reminds me, what's a busker?
And do you have any other writing online that we, who like your writing, can look at?
And about these silly, manipulative ads: at least we can all agree on the wholesomeness of the Geiko caveman ad, can't we? That last shot of the caveman not having much of an appetite is pretty nice. You must admit.
Claudia / PVS, at 11:09 AM
Hey Practical!
Do you wear sensible shoes when you slay? I always wanted to buy Buffy some sneakers.
There was quite a feeding frenzy about Dwight. it never ceases to amaze me how upset people get about these things.
It's true about the cavemen. And the "mango salsa"? That is SO 1997. Only, like, a *caveman* would order that....
Busker: the people that annoy one on the street, in the park, or (my personal favorite) the subway tunnels with singing. I used to live in the West, and the street performers there were fine, but in the East they are everywhere, largely talentless, and almost always electronically amplified. And always fucking singing "Imagine."
Ok--I'm gonna go check out your blog.
Feemus, at 8:45 AM
When I was in junior high we had a name for people who frenzied out like that -- we called them "insecure." See how smart we were?
And mango salsa might be so 1997 where you live, but it's just catching on here in Polson, MT. I've got some in the refrigerator right now. This minute. And Gorgonzola just got here, too. It's part what makes the atmosphere here so charming.
And where'd you live -- San Francisco?
Claudia / PVS, at 12:24 PM
I wouldn't know. I spent most of junior high trying not to choke on my retainer or make eye contact. Good times.
Well, see now you make me look like a jerk with the whole mango salsa thing. I was just kidding. I am a Seattlite.
Montana is beautiful--where is Polson? I am kind of in love with Missoula.
Feemus, at 4:24 PM
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