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Monday, January 22, 2007

The Times They Are a-Changin'

Someone today accused me of being "heteronormative."

The nerve.


  • um...but what does that MEAN?

    *scoots around online for a bit*

    Huh. I'm assuming that's an insult. Yeah, I guess so.

    Personally, I like my insults with a little flavor, especially with a lil pinch o' CRAZY!

    Grave-Robbing, Beer-Snorting, Psychopompic Cataphract!

    See, if you'd been called that, you'd have at least smiled and walked away laughing to yourself.

    I totally would have called you a Cataphract, just to make your day, Feems.

    Cause I'm that kinda guy.

    ...yeah, I aint got much today.

    Out for those who aint in the know...or never played Age of Empires.

    By Blogger Benticore, at 7:07 AM  

  • turn to online scoot.

    I found this phrase when I looked for psychopompic:

    "the same incessus deificus marks the psychopompic barcaroles"

    I'm not sure, but I think that statement might be heteronormative! Maybe.

    How did you know about the beer snorting and grave robbing, though?

    -Feemus, who IS walking away laughing to himself.

    By Blogger Feemus, at 11:07 AM  

  • "How did you know about the beer snorting and grave robbing, though?"

    Honestly? Don't laugh but after reading many of your posts, I conjured up this image of you; A near Indiana Jones clone, a little dirtier, with more unscrupulous methods, gallivanting around the world, searching for ancient treasures and terrible scrolls of power. A week absence from the blog-o-sphere? Nah, he's just in Libya fighting an obscure sect of Turkish Hashishim for the Jade Chamberpot of Hotschamama. Short posts? Well, it's hard to type and disarm a band of Female Thai Sea Pirates with a rusty Cutlass and a bottle of 300 year old African Rum, isn't it?

    The Beer snorting just seemed to follow naturally.


    By Blogger Benticore, at 1:12 PM  

  • And you, my friend, are always fighting off ninjas.

    Often at inappropriate moments. And sometimes while changing diapers.

    By Blogger Feemus, at 6:40 PM  

  • The mind of Benticore is a beautiful thing, ain't it? How does he DO that?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:18 PM  

  • If I knew, you can bet I'd be a Bentimpersonator.

    Alas, I fear it's inimitable.

    By Blogger Feemus, at 3:07 PM  

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