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Saturday, September 29, 2007

Better Wake Up and Smell the Real Flavor, 'Cause the Congressional Hearing's a Fake Lifesaver

Can you believe it?? Congress is holding hearing on hip-hop lyrics. Again. Did I wake up in 1986?

I have a little message for the putatively Democratic congress who was given the majority in the off-term elections because Americans were sick of the situation in Iraq. Here's my message:

There's a Goddamned War Going On!!!!!

Seriously, this is just nuts. I know that I've blogged about this before, but honest to Pete, I just can't get over the stupidity of EVERYONE involved in this nonsense. The conservatives are acting like fear-mongering demagogues. Liberals are refusing to have a backbone. And Master P? Dude, don't apologize.

Just walk away. That's the only appropriate response to these hearings. Get up and walk the fuck away. It isn't Congress' job to police lyrics (and we'll just leave aside for the moment the fact that heavy metal has just as many sexist, racist, and homophobic lyrics as rap, but the old white dudes in Congress don't feel as threatened by Axl Rose as they do by Easy E. Or, you know, someone who isn't dead).

"Bitch." "Ho." Yeah, I don't like those words. They are not nice. They are damaging, they really are. But you know what?

There's a Goddamned War Going On!!!!!!

Does calling women bitches promote violence toward women? Maybe. Does war promote violence toward, you know, EVERYONE? It sure does.

And you want to protect women? Maybe you should get cracking on that health care thing. Or include domestic violence in your "protection of the unborn" legislation. The leading cause of death for pregnant women? Is murder.

Murder, not rap lyrics.

Ok, I promise to stop ranting now.


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