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Tuesday, August 01, 2006

"Jews or Booze?" Quiz: The Answers!!!!

Note: If you were playing "Gibson Rules," the answers may vary slightly.

1: c.
2: c.
3: b.
4. b. and c. No wait, I think we went to see Road Warrior, not Lethal Weapon. Wow, I'm old. And Dana, wherever you are, I'm sorry I cried afterward. I was just so grateful. If I'd known better, I would have wept from embarassment as well as gratitude.
5. None of the above--this was the will of God.
6. b.
7. another trick question. The answer is Sergei Eisenstein. See any Brian de Palma movie for proof.

Everyone's a winner. Have a drink. Have some Manischewitz.


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