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Sunday, October 15, 2006

The Ironing is Delicious

Former Attoney General John Ashcroft gave an interview with the New York Times. An excerpt:

Now that you have left your post as U.S. attorney general and are working as a lobbyist, would you still defend the president's willingness to disregard the Geneva Conventions in the treatment and torture of suspected terrorists?

I think there is a very sound argument for saying that those who violate the Geneva Conventions should not benefit from its provisions.

Um, do you think he understood the question? Is there some kind of brilliant logic hidden in there somewhere? Or does Ashcroft beleive that Bush shouldn't benefit from the Geneva Conventions?

I'm confused. But I remind myself that this is the guy who had the Justice Department spend $8,000 to cover up a statue's breast. I mean, c'mon--who can't find curtains for less that $8,000? That's just crazy.


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