Mailbag Time!!
My brain is too tired for thoughtful blogging, so here are some of this weeks email gems:
In this student's defense, it IS really cold out. What this has to do with bringing her book to class, I have no idea.
This is likely a less direct variation on an old theme: "I am choosing extra-curriculars over academics, but I don't want my grade to suffer any of the consequences. What are YOU going to do to ensure that this is the case?" I have gotten several of these this week, too. But what I like about this one is the tinge of existential crisis.
What, dear boy, should any of us do?
Hi Feemus,
I know you said to bring books to class, but do I have to? It is really cold out.
Non-Sequitur Girl
In this student's defense, it IS really cold out. What this has to do with bringing her book to class, I have no idea.
I can't make it to class because of my theater group. What should I do?
-Vague Boy
This is likely a less direct variation on an old theme: "I am choosing extra-curriculars over academics, but I don't want my grade to suffer any of the consequences. What are YOU going to do to ensure that this is the case?" I have gotten several of these this week, too. But what I like about this one is the tinge of existential crisis.
What, dear boy, should any of us do?
Dear Feemus,
I couldn't find your email address anywhere on the syllabus. Is it ok to email you?
Learned Everything I Need to Know About Irony from Alanis Morrisette
Hilarious, Feemus!
Anonymous, at 7:56 AM
yes, they're quite the little comedians!
Feemus, at 4:57 PM
Please tell me these are not for real, Feemus. They are funny, certainly. Very funny, in fact. But God above - what in the name of all that is holy is wrong with these people? Are they maybe just trying to wind you up?
Dear oh dear.
Good to see you again.
Kind regards etc.....
The Periodic Englishman, at 5:49 PM
Greetings Periodic!
Isn't that a Welsh flag I see? I'm 1/2 Welsh myself. Visited there in 1968 -- I sure hope we get a chance to bring our daughter there some day.
And I can see why you think Feemus MUST have made these up, but I'll bet he didn't! I think the explanation lies in in the wonderful way he sees things.
Anonymous, at 6:04 AM
Hey Claud - yes, that is indeed a Welsh flag you see. Beautiful, isn't it? I saw some other blogger using it as their profile picture and so promptly stole one for myself. As you do. (creeped her out a wee bit, I think, but it was an innocent enough gesture of, well, theft, I suppose)
The thing is, I'm actually Scottish (although living in Ireland). Not a drop of Welsh blood in me, I'm afraid to say. I hope the flag doesn't seem like false advertising, Claud, but I really do love it.
Where are you, by the way? Are you over in The States, like Feemus? I think it would be important to bring your daughter over to Wales if ever you were able to do so. I think people should be encouraged to explore their roots. Then again, I'm strange. But it does seem like rather a good thing to do, doesn't it?
You're right about Feemus, incidentally. I like his skewed take on the world. Where is he? I wonder if he's banging his head against a wall somewhere? I certainly wouldn't blame him for doing so.
Nice to meet you, Claud. Do you have a site/blog of your own?
Kind regards etc...
The Periodic Englishman, at 3:10 PM
Ah, my Periodic friend, how I WISH that these were not real. I just got another one asking when I would like to meet to "make up" a missed class.
I would NOT like. *I* was there. I do not need to make it up.
It's a very nice flag.
Feemus, who is almost done beating his head agianst a wall.
Feemus, at 7:13 AM
Hi PE,
Yes, I'm in Montana. And I do have a website
It is a beautiful flag. And now I'm going to go comment somewhere on your blog!
Feemusland: The Place To Meet.
Anonymous, at 7:37 AM
P.E., Can't comment on your blog -- you know why! But I've decided that, instead of Wales, we're coming to your house. I love your pictures! - c
F: Want to come?
Anonymous, at 8:01 AM
I'm in, Claud! Pack up the kid and the spouse and a cardigan and meet me at JFK.
We can go and discuss Martin Luther.
Feemus, at 1:18 PM
Howdy doody one and all (that's how Americans speak, right?)
Good to see you Feemus - appalled to hear that these things are real, however. Is it any wonder the world is going to the dogs?
Sorry to say, though, that I snorted with glee at the sheer front of the student asking when you would like to make up a missed class. Quality. I never had such a nerve when I was a student.
Claud - sorry about the comments thing. I had actually only meant to switch them off for a day (on the last post to have comments enabled) but then forgot about it, unfortunately. Someone gave me grief for that earlier.
The thing is, I actually prefer going around the blogs of other people - it's just more fun and far easier to do. So, even though you have vampires in the title of your site, I will bravely head on over in the very near future. Nothing too ghoulish going on over there, I hope?
In fact, come to think of it, the name sounds rather familiar. I'm not entirely certain that I didn't pass through one time a wee while back. Hmm. Small world.
But do of COURSE feel very free to drop in at any time - and you Feemus, once you've stopped banging your head against the wall - because I love when people come to my blog (no point pretending otherwise, I feel)
Do you charge fees, Feemus, for bringing people together like this?
Alright, enough already.
Warm greetings to you both from Ireland.....
The Periodic Englishman, at 12:16 PM
Feemus - sorry about this, please excuse me. I know that some bloggers find this annoying, but I was actually wanting to say something to Claud.
Claud - I was wrong, I haven't ever seen your site before. I would have remembered if I had. I've just spent the last wee while trying to take it in and make some sense of it all. I now need to think of something I can ask you, some advice, it seems. Damn my arrogance and know-it-all ways.
But Claud, I have a very strong feeling that we will get along just fine - and that makes me happy.
Sorry again, Feemus. Hang on, does Claud even come back to check on old exchanges?
Kind regards etc....
The Periodic Englishman, at 2:40 AM
it would be rather petty to mind, wouldn't it? Talking to Claudia is to be encouraged in ANY forum. It yields much wisdom.
Feemus, at 7:32 AM
Feemus, the perfect host! Not surprising.
PE I'm so pleased you went to the site but I actually have taken down my Ask The Slayer (kind of -- I'm trying to switch it over to the website rather than keeping it in the blog). Anyway, I love questions but they are certainly not required.
I will keep checking your blog for updates, and you have some great links, too. I liked your blog very much!
Anonymous, at 3:01 PM
I happen to agree with you, Feemus. I like the notion of blogs being an absolute free-for-all. Just as long as people stay friendly - even in the middle of furious debate - then I think it is all just pretty magnificent, really.
Claud - excellent news. I wasn't sure about adding the I and A to the end of you name - reasoning that perhaps you prefer to travel incognito - but Feemus has blown your cover already, Claudia. Ha!
Thanks Feemus - see you again soon.
Claudia - heading your way.
Kind regards etc...
The Periodic Englishman, at 6:26 AM
It's STILL under construction, Claudia. I thought these things took a matter of hours (I am very, very unclued in the ways of the internet and, well, technology).
I have been going round in circles over there, looking for a way in. Expect to notice a creepy stalking figure from Ireland hanging about waiting for the thing to get up and running. I considered signing the guest book, but then realised I would only have signed it to say "GET A MOVE ON". And that would never do.
Okay, I'm just going on like a loon now. Enough already. But still.
Kind regards and a blast of warmth from cold Ireland....(to you to, Feemus)
The Periodic Englishman, at 7:35 AM
Lawd, Periodic, such dedication. We don't work that hard in this country...except for Feemus, of course. I wish I was in one of his classes!
If you want to check out the old blogspot it's at
heading your way now, and Feemus, what's new? Are you getting time for ice cream, wife, important stuff??? lc
p.s. and yes, PE, we all say Howdy-doody around here. Standard greeting. Keeps us all laughing.
Anonymous, at 9:17 AM
Howdy doody!
And you all say "'ow do, guv?" right, PE?
Or, when you're not being Periodically English but Adoptedly Irish, "Top o' the marnin' to ye." Right?
Actually, I live in the angriest city on earth (when the New Yorkers bitch about the rudeness, well...) where people mostly just greet one another with car horns, middle fingers, and a cheery "fuck you, too."
Sorry to have "outed" you with the "-ia", Claud--just habit, I guess.
I feel I must correct the impression I've given that I work hard. I don't, really--I wouldn't have to have these marathons if I weren't such a slacker the rest of the time.
Feemus, at 9:58 AM
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