Straphangers Ball
The bus is crowded by the time I get on--it's standing room only. The invariable Law of Straphanger Dynamics demands that people refuse to budge up until absolutely necessary. So one begins by standing in the front of the bus and only gradually works one's way back as the bus gets fuller and fuller.
So, stop by stop I was moving backward in the bus, looking with a kind of mild envy at those who get on early enough to grab a seat.
I am never quite sure what to do with my eyes on a crowded bus. It's obviously bad form to make eye contact (also, this can lead to actual conversation, which is to be avoided at all costs), but my strategies for avoiding eye contact have often backfired.
One time, I fixed my eyes on one of the poles that run between seats, and I noticed this woman's hand resting on the pole. I was idly staring and the pole and the hand, and wondering what the woman's glove was made out of. It was slightly shiny and very taut. So I was looking and wondering and running over the possibilities in my head: very well fitting leather? some kind of treated microfiber? vinyl? I stared and pondered for several minutes, not wanting to move my eyes from the pole for fear of making eye contact with anyone. Well, then the bus turned a corner and my eyes shifted and I looked at the woman whose glove had been my study. She was looking at me rather pointedly. And as I glanced away, I realized with horror that I had been staring at her prosthetic hand. For maybe five solid minutes.
Um, awkward much, Feemus? I don't think "mortified" quite covers it.
So I'm careful now not to look at anything that's not entirely and unequivocally inanimate. Lately I have taken to reading over the shoulder of sitters. Which I know is obnoxious, but I have managed to be fairly unobstrusive about it. And it's better than staring at cripples, you know?
The problem is, just as I get interested in something, the bus makes another stop and I have to move back and start reading something else. It can be very frustrating. But sometimes it works out.
Here's the story I read on Friday morning:
STOP...shuffle back...look over another shoulder
STOP...shuffle back...look over another shoulder
STOP...shuffle back...look over another shoulder
STOP...shuffle back...look over another shoulder
STOP...shuffle back...look over another shoulder
And then it was my stop and I got off, having had a nice little story.
So, stop by stop I was moving backward in the bus, looking with a kind of mild envy at those who get on early enough to grab a seat.
I am never quite sure what to do with my eyes on a crowded bus. It's obviously bad form to make eye contact (also, this can lead to actual conversation, which is to be avoided at all costs), but my strategies for avoiding eye contact have often backfired.
One time, I fixed my eyes on one of the poles that run between seats, and I noticed this woman's hand resting on the pole. I was idly staring and the pole and the hand, and wondering what the woman's glove was made out of. It was slightly shiny and very taut. So I was looking and wondering and running over the possibilities in my head: very well fitting leather? some kind of treated microfiber? vinyl? I stared and pondered for several minutes, not wanting to move my eyes from the pole for fear of making eye contact with anyone. Well, then the bus turned a corner and my eyes shifted and I looked at the woman whose glove had been my study. She was looking at me rather pointedly. And as I glanced away, I realized with horror that I had been staring at her prosthetic hand. For maybe five solid minutes.
Um, awkward much, Feemus? I don't think "mortified" quite covers it.
So I'm careful now not to look at anything that's not entirely and unequivocally inanimate. Lately I have taken to reading over the shoulder of sitters. Which I know is obnoxious, but I have managed to be fairly unobstrusive about it. And it's better than staring at cripples, you know?
The problem is, just as I get interested in something, the bus makes another stop and I have to move back and start reading something else. It can be very frustrating. But sometimes it works out.
Here's the story I read on Friday morning:
For a long time, I went to bed early. Sometimes, my candle scarcely out, my eyes would close so quickly that I did not have time to say to myself: “I’m falling asleep.” And, half an hour later, the thought that it was time to try to sleep would wake me; I wanted to put down the book I thought I still had in my hands and blow out my light; I had not ceased while sleeping to form reflec-tions on what I had just read, but these reflections had taken a rather peculiar turn; it seemed to me that I myself was what the book was talking about: a church, a quartet,....
STOP...shuffle back...look over another shoulder act of jihad. While jihad is certainly a controversial political issue, it is a relatively straightforward religious one. Nearly all Sunni clerics reject jihad as heretical, and reject its classification as the so-called "sixth pillar" of Islam. The term itself has been highly politicized, coming to refer primarily to external jihad, while most exegetical and scholarly treatises on jihad discuss it in terms of personal jihad, or a spiritual struggle waged...
STOP...shuffle back...look over another shoulder
...against my thighs. As I watched the models teeter out on the runway, I couldn't help hoping for a broken heel (fashion is a bitch!). My BlackBerry buzzed. A message from Daniel: "how r u? meet me 4 a drink?" I tried to play it cool. I waited five whole minutes before I typed back:
STOP...shuffle back...look over another shoulder
"I am not mistress, nor beloved, but more even than love: I am polymath love's androgynous advocate."
STOP...shuffle back...look over another shoulder
שמקום קבורתם אינו נודע; הגדיר את קריאתו של מלך ירדן לחדש בהקדם את המו"מ המדיני וליישב את הסכסוך
הישראלי-פלשתיני כ"חשובה"; לדבריו, ישראל מנהלת
STOP...shuffle back...look over another shoulder
"Yes," I said, "Isn't it pretty to think so."
And then it was my stop and I got off, having had a nice little story.
Funny post, Feem. The only bus I've ever ridden was the school bus. Oh wait, I did ride a tour bus to Crested Butte on a choir trip, but it didn't have those hangy-down thingies.
Sherri, at 1:09 PM
Wow. That seems terribly exotic to me, never to have ridden a bus.
I guess lots of people don't, but I somehow can't imagine what life without the bus or subway would be like. Glorious, I imagine!
Those hangie-down thingies are just crawling with germs, I am CERTAIN.
Feemus, at 6:37 PM
A post most excellently crafted, Mr. Feemus.
You inspire me to try harder.
Anonymous, at 6:50 AM
Oh yeah, the germs! Ha!
Public transportation is so scarce in OK that it seems like something made up by tv moguls. It probably has something to do with us being a largely rural state, depending on our own transportation. I guess the population (3 mill) can't support it.
City folks are exotic to me.
Sherri, at 10:52 AM
From a troubled teen with such an elegant and wonderfully wry prose style in every single damn post (he wrote enviously), that's quite a compliment.
Well, Sherri, the bus can be pretty exotic, if you count the smells.
I tried to count the smells one day. It was an ill-conceived project.
Feemus, at 6:08 PM
Our Mass transit system in STL is so fubar right now, its a nightmare to try to manage riding it to and from work, ESPECIALLY if you have a wife and a kid going in different directions.
One day you will Embrace your desire for Jackassery (I can sense it within you Feemus, your love for the absurd...don't fight it!) and I will be right there (uh...webtronically, that is) Cheering (Egging) you on.
I think you still should have asked about the material. When I'm feeling particularly mischievous, I make it a point to say hello loudly, in my least intimidating 'Big Black Negro' voice to everyone I pass and make a mental note of the brave ones who smile and nod or even say hello, and the ones who pretend not to notice.
I did this in japan and am pretty sure I gave a few people heart attacks.
I love a city with a good subway. Chicago and NYC. Personally I believe that every city large enough should have a well oiled and affordable public transit system and that people should get tax breaks for carpooling. But thats lil crazy ole me.
Benticore, at 7:41 AM
Public transportation really IS great --it makes cities SO much more livable. It's one of those all-around goods: it's good for the environment, for tourism, for the poor, it alleviates traffic congestion for those who do drive. Subways are especially nice (except the Green Line--damn you, Green Line!!!!).
But sometimes, it's exhausting to take and I would just give anything for the privacy of a car. And don't even joke about that woman's hand. That was a couple years ago and I still feel awful. Maybe I should work on my "Big Black Negro" voice?
Somehow I don't think it would work quite as well for me...
Feemus, at 4:43 AM
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