This Blog is Stolen Property

Monday, July 09, 2007


Feemus Unplugged

This Blog is Abandoned Property

I couldn't come up with a very clever title. It's just as well.

I am taking temporary leave (sabblogtical?) for a month. I am going to try to live an unplugged life. I'm hoping it will improve eyestrain and attitude. I'm hoping it will reconnect me with what it means to be part of the solution. I'm hoping it will remind me that the revolution will not be brought to us by Xerox. I am hoping that it makes me less crabby and more productive.

It will probably just make me want to watch tv and read (even possibly write) blogs. Ah, well.

I think tv and computers and blogs are great, mind you, I just need to restore some balance. I think I'll still listen to the radio, though. I mean, I gotta have Car Talk.

I hope to see you all in a month.